eLumen F 2015 Training Presentations

This page contains PowerPoints presented in collaboration with the Staff Development Office in the Teaching Effectiveness Center. Currently, this page is under construction and only has a few of the PowerPoints presented by the SLOA Coordinator for the SLOA Committee, Jan Chadwick.

These presentations are repeated during the fall 2015 semester at various times in the TEC. After the presentations, there is a one hour drop-in session to get help with assessments, rubric creations, action plan development, or any eLumen-related questions. The presentations for the Fall semester are provided in a calendar in the flyer sent to all faculty and staff.

The list of presentations are provided as well. If you have any questions or need help accessing or using eLumen, please contact Jan Chadwick, SLO Coordinator at jchadwick@fullcoll.edu or call (714) 992-7437.