What is a SLO?
Student Learning Outcomes are defined in terms of the knowledge, skills, and abilities that a student has attained at the end (or as a result) of his or her engagement in a particular set of higher education experiences.
Why do SLOs matter?
“Employers and elected officials have never been clearer in their demand that the graduates of U.S. colleges and universities should possess an increasingly specific set of higher-order literacies and communications skills. Students, parents, and the public are looking not only at the price of a college credential, but also at the quality of general education and career education that lies behind the credential. In particular, they want to know what the learning gained in these programs will mean in the marketplace of employment and in their lives as citizens and community members.” Council for Higher Education workshops
Need help with eLumen?
Videos, step-by-step instructions, and training presentations are available at the two links above. The page is currently under construction so please check back to see if a new video/instructions are available. Workshops on eLumen will be provided by Staff Development in the fall and spring semesters.
You can also contact your SLOA Committee Division Representative for help. The SLOA Coordinator is happy to provide one-on-one instruction or help. Contact the SLOA Coordinator, currently George Bonnand at gbonnand@fullcoll.edu or call (714) 992-7576 for further assistance.